
Fringe Podcast (MP3): Ep. 3.12 “Close”

The Fringe Podcast makes its swan song while talking about the Fringe Series Finale episodes “Liberty” and “An Enemy of Fate.” There’s also easter eggs and listener feedback from the Facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/jayandjackgroup. A big thank you to everyone for listening!

Want to hear more from the Jay and Jack crew? Then become a Jay and Jack PLUS Member today! Click here to join.

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Downton Abbey Podcast (MP3): Ep. 3.3 “Series 3 Ep. 4”

Jack and Cyndi watch and discuss Series 3, Episode 4 of Downton Abbey. They are discussing each episode as it airs in the United States.

Want to subscribe to the Downton Abbey Podcast? Then become a Jay and Jack PLUS member today. CLICK HERE to join.

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Ramblecast (MP3) Ep. 4.27: “Furniture Tales”

On this week’s episode of Jay and Jack’s Ramblecast, Jay and Jack trade tales of new furniture. There’s also weird news! Find out who won last week’s Vs. and what this week’s Vs. is.

Do you want to hear more from Jay and Jack? Then become a PLUS member! Click here to sign up!

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Fringe Podcast (MP3): Ep. 3.11 “It’s Gone to Poop”

On this week’s episode of The Fringe Podcast, Jack and Colleen discuss the season 5 episode “The Boy Must Live.” Colleen fills in the blanks for a story that Jay tells on the Ramblecast and a lot of poop talk. There’s also easter eggs and listener feedback from the Facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/jayandjackgroup. Call: 206-309-0311 or Email TheFringePodcast@gmail.com with Listener Feedback!

Want to listen to Jack and Colleen podcast about Fringe? Then become a Jay and Jack PLUS Member today! Click here to join.

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Jay and Jack TV (MP3): Ep. 3.14 “10% of 5%”

On this week’s episode of Jay and Jack TV, Jay and Jack talk about the hottest TV shows of the week, including Person of Interest, Blue Bloods, Fringe, Justified, and the Golden Globes. Find out who you, the listeners, selected as Best of the Week. Visit their Facebook group at www.Facebook.com/groups/JayandJackGroup

Would you like to watch TV along with Jay and Jack each week? Then become a PLUS member! Click here to sign up!

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Sports Talk with 3 Stupid Guys (MP3): Ep. 3.19: “Conference Championships”

On this week’s episode the guys make their picks for the Conference Championship Games. Hard to believe, but they really do talk a lot about sports this week. Although if you just like to listen to the non-sports talk, tune into the last 20 minutes to hear about Downton Abbey, Golden Globes, and why Jack started a rumor about John Lennon.

Are you a sports fan who wants to listen to Jay, Jack and friends talk about football each week? Then become a Jay and Jack PLUS Member today! Click here to join.

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